August 2016
Health Care News

Congratulations to all the ICI students who passed their Illinois State Exam for the Certified Nursing Assistant PRogram. We are happy for you and wish you nothing but success in all your future endeavors!
Please remember that ICI in Chicago supports you all the way and you are always welcome to visit us in our Chicago LIncolnwood Campus anytimne!
If you are in need of a reference please visit us at our Lincolnwood location near Chicago or call us at 847-929-6129!
Registration for our next upcoming CNA courses is STILL open!
Note: If you are interested to start the CNA weekend Class starting this Saturday, Aug 27, 2016. Please call us NOW and schedule your application process and assessment test.
See the attached documents for detailed schedules of the CNA Classes.
CNA Weekend Morning: 10 Weeks
Saturday and Sunday
7:00 am - 3:30 pm
August 27, 2016 - October 30, 2016
CNA Weekday Morning : 8 Weeks
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
7:00 am - 1:30 pm
September 26, 2016 - November 18, 2016
Bring the following requirements for registration:
* Photo ID (Driver's License or State ID)
* SS Card
* Proof of US Citizenship/Immigration Status
* High School Diploma/GED
* OR College Official Transcript
* CPR Card ( Sept. 10 Sat. 9am - 12nn call now to RSVP)
If you are interested in registering and would like to know more information on the application process, please feel free to give us a call at 847-929-6129.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Pura Sugaduga
6425 N Hamlin Avenue
Lincolnwood IL 60712
847-929-6129 phone
847-929-6192 fax