The following are the Practical Nursing prerequisites required for admission into ICI's LPN Program. All prerequisites must be completed prior to enrolling into the the LPN program. The following prerequisites courses listed below or any of the equivalent course work completed, from a US Accredited or approved school, may be accepted as credit towards ICI's LPN Program. The courses listed below may be taken outside of ICI as long as the institution is accredited and/or approved by the state.
ENG 101: English Composition
40 Clock Hours
Course Description: This course provides instruction and practice in the writing of extended compositions and the development of analytical and critical reading skills and basic reference and documentation skills in the composition process. It seeks to prepare the student to conceptualize and organize ideas and to perform complex thinking. It is designed to give nursing students extensive practice in writing in order to improve their ability to document nursing care observations and interventions and express them in fluent prose. It helps students learn the many functions of writing--to discover ideas, use language effectively, and communicate with and influence audiences. Along the way, students learn or review conventional practices of usage and punctuation. It also teaches the student to use the Internet as sources of information during research and make use of the Internet to communicate with others.
ALG 100: College Algebra
40 Clock Hours
Course Description: This Algebra course is designed for healthcare and science majors. The subject matter covered in this class includes a brief review of Elementary and Pre-Algebra topics, as well as more extensive study of graphs of functions, complex numbers, theory of equations, matrices, determinants, inverse functions, exponential functions and logarithmic functions. Course is designed to prepare the student to be more competent with solving problems related to whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, measurements, and ratios and proportions. These concepts are heavily applied to nursing, specifically in drug and dosage calculations.
PSY 104: General Psychology
40 Clock Hours
Course Description: This course involves the survey of growth and development, physical, perceptual, cognitive, linguistic, emotional, and social development; emphasis on human development from conception to adulthood. It also emphasizes theories, methods and findings concerning learning, motivation, sensation-perception, social behavior, personality, behavior disorders and therapy. It will provide the students with elementary principles of psychology including the needs for health care providers to respond appropriately to different behavioral patterns. Discussions on various developmental theories and corresponding therapies are highlighted. This course is a prerequisite to nursing as it provides basic knowledge of psychological behavior patterns to assist the practical nurse in meeting the emotional needs of the client. With the understanding of these patterns, the nurse will be able to assess the mental and emotional health status of the client and assist in developing a nursing care plan for improved mental health.
COM 102: Computer Fundamentals
20 CLock Hours
Course Description: This course provides students with the opportunity to examine and comprehend all aspects of the computer. The student will be learning the basic elements of running a computer in a comfortable, structured manner. The topics will include the use of the Windows operating system, file management, security, the World Wide Web and its resources including e-mail, web browsers, and search engines.
MED 103: Medical Terminology
40 Clock Hours
Course Description: This course offers health-related personnel a simple approach to the building blocks of medical terminology: roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Terminology for basic medical disciplines as well as medical specialties will be included. A variety of commonly used words or phrases for which there are medical terms will be presented. The unit on body disease sciences introduces the body's biological structure and function and basic system identification. Beyond the identification of medical terms, pronunciation, spelling, and abbreviations will be included. Each unit is enhanced and reinforced with several review definition exercises and puzzles.
Anatomy & Physiology I&II
(Structure & Body Functions)
150 Clock Hours
Prerequisite: Medical Terminology

Book Required for Course:
The Human Body in HEalth & Disease, 5th Edition
ISBN: 978-0-3230-5492-8
Study Guide for The Human Body in HEalth & Disease, 5th Edition
ISBN: 978-0-3230-5487-4
Course Description: The program involves the study of the structure of the human body and the relationship of its parts as well as the study of the functions of the human body systems and their parts. Aspects of physiology, biology, chemistry and microbiology are also discussed. The program is designed to give the student a broad informational background in basic biological and physical sciences to facilitate the application of nursing care to patients.
120 Clock Hours
The following BNATP course listed below or any of the equivalent course work completed, from a US Accredited or approved school, may be accepted as credit towards ICI's LPN Program. The BNATP course listed below may be taken outside of ICI as long as the institution is accredited and/or approved by the state.
The Basic Nursing Assistant Training Program is a 5 to 8 week program that prepares students into their roles and responsibilities as nursing assistants in both the clinical and home setting. Through lecture/discussion, supervised laboratory and actual clinical experience, students are provided with the knowledge and skills needed to provide basic nursing care for patients in the hospitals, nursing homes, private homes or other health care facilities. The program is approved by the Illinois Department of Public Health.

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Prospective LPN Students must be BNA Certified